Workshop “sport as a tool to promote social inclusion” Croatia, 14/16 of September 2018
In September the 14th started out meeting in Croatia.
Number of participants for each organization:
– Krap ASD, ITALY (5 participants)
– Bulgarian partner, BULGARIA (4)
– Udruga Sport VIV, CROATIA (2)
– Asociatia “Liber la Educatie, Cultura si Sport”, ROMANIA (2)
– Canakkale Youth Services and Sports Provincial Directorate, TURKEY (2)
Participant profile: To the first meeting of implementation phase, all partners sent participants to involved in the first moment of sharing and learning. Participants presented the work packages realized during the preparation phase, with the aim of sharing good practices and skills about sport and social inclusion.
During the meeting each partner presented:
– a relation about its sports and social inclusion activities and events;
– a schedule about social inclusion through urban and freestyle sport;
– about methods and ways for promoting social inclusion and all other objectives of the project through sport activities.